Dr. med. Simon Brosseder
Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
Startseite » Dr. med. Simon Brosseder
- 089 / 230 295 40
Consultation Hours
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday:
08:30 – 17:30
Wednesday & Friday:
08:30 – 14:00
Appointments are also possible by appointment.
Dr. med. Simon Brosseder, born in 1984, completed his studies in human medicine at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich from 2004 to 2010.
He began his residency training at the Munich Perlach Hospital under Prof. Andreß in trauma surgery and orthopedics. To complete his residency and broaden his spectrum, he then moved to the University Hospital of the LMU, Großhadern site under the direction of Prof. Jansson, a renowned expert in endoprosthetics. Through his simultaneous doctorate in the field of materials research, he intensively studied arthrosis (joint wear), its treatment and the wear behavior of artificial joints.
After becoming a specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery, he continued his education to obtain the additional designation of pediatric orthopedics. He was able to acquire a very broad knowledge of pediatric orthopedics through further training under several department heads (Prof. Heimkes, Prof. Utzschneider, Dr. Ziegler, Dr. Nader) with their respective specialties, and most recently worked as a senior physician at the Schön-Klinik Vogtareuth.
Dr. Brosseder also works as a freelance emergency physician in Germany and abroad. Due to his previous training in emergency medical services, he can look back on more than 20 years of emergency care. As a result, differential diagnostic considerations are quickly included and, in appropriate cases, a targeted referral to colleagues in the respective specialty can be made promptly.
Being broadly trained in the entire spectrum of congenital orthopedic clinical pictures of children to degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system in adulthood enables well-founded patient-oriented consultation and therapy recommendations. Conservative and minimally invasive therapy is particularly emphasized in order to avoid major surgery whenever possible.
Dr. med. Simon Brosseder joined the practice of Dr. med. Christoph Nicolaisen in January 2023.